Sabtu, 03 April 2010


Liposuction is getting mainstream with more and more people looking for a faster and more efficient way to lose their body fats. This type of liposuction can work on various areas including legs, calf, face, neck, tummy etc. With such diverse areas that a patient can choose to lose their fats from, the only thing holding back people is the price. Liposuction prices are not cheap by any means. Below is a rough pricing guide for those looking to know what kind of prices they need to pay for their liposuction operations.

The mean price in the country is around USD5,700 according to a site called This price is not consistent across the different states and cities. You might see a liposuction costing USD10,000 in Florida and the same operation costing only USD4,000 in Santa Monica. This wide difference is why you should do more pricing research at the state and city level. Don't just look around the surgeons in your city as you might miss out some really and affordable liposuction services in other places.

In general, pricing is more expensive in the Wester and Easter cost. This might be due to the higher living costs compared to the smaller communities that are based in the middle parts. If you are living on the more expensive areas, you might want to calculate whether it is worth it to travel to the smaller cities to have your operation after taking into account the travel expenses.

I hope you find this pricing guide useful to your buying decision.

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